Are you prepared to face the present world’s challenges?
When everybody talks about the financial or even general crisis knocking at your door, if it hasn’t already entered in your house it is a very normal question.
But, are we, at UZINEXPORT prepared?
To some extent, nobody can claim that he is prepared as long as the crisis unforeseen effects haven’t occurred at their peek yet.
Moreover, as one of the most affected fields of the reduced activity is the capital goods investments which is our particular day-by-day job, we expect that our work will suffer as well.
Our intention in still to keep the good relations we have with our partners in some traditional areas, prepare technically and commercially the projects to come and wait along with them for better time.
Meanwhile, obviously, we shall not neglect our day-by-day bread and butter by catering the needs for separate equipment and spares or supervisory services, as the case might be.
So, we do think, we can wish survive and revert “old golden times” when the right moment comes.