Our Capabilities

tuvUZINEXPORT is considered for more than 40 years one of the leading Romanian Companies fully competent and authorized to deal internationally in the field of industrial projects.

Strongly supported by its experience and dedication, UZINEXPORT has been able to struggle and prove that it can be an important contractor for complete projects, equipment supplier , design & engineering services provider as long as for granting the related supervisory services for various projects world-wide.

The structure of the company includes for the “so-called” operational part 3 important fields , i.e.:

  • Cement plants and building materials industry;
  • Metallurgical plants;
  • Heavy engineering plants.

Besides the above, the specialized departments for account & finance, international shipping & forwarding and legal advisor are also vital for the good operation of the company.

The normal procedure of working is either as an EPC or Turn-Key contractor, if the specific tender documents requests so or as general contractor, if a direct negotiation is envisaged by the client. In all the cases, UZINEXPORT is fully backed up technically by designers and equipment manufacturers, preferably belonging to our own Group, for having a better control of the contract fulfillment.

A very frequent practice includes also, besides the Romanian Companies' contribution as above, supplies and services from reputed Western design & engineering companies, as well as manufacturers of sophisticated or very specialized equipment and instrumentation.That means, that UZINEXPORT acts in most of the cases as a Consortium leader, able and responsible for negotiation of the contract, its due fulfillment till commissioning and during the warranty period.

Besides the above , we have decided - as a company policy matter - to keep the door open for any sort of association which can secure the orders.

As such in most of the cases we are able to undertake a project from "green fields" to commissioning, but we can also act as ,other contractor's suppliers or even representative.

The flexibility and reliability shown, have allowed us to put up more than 55 complete projects located in Egypt, Syria, Iran, India, China, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Germany, Italy, Lebanon, UAE, Croatia, Bosnia, Russia, Ukraine, the Philippines ,South Africa, Norway, aso.