About us
The main production unit of the company was established in 1974, as the Heavy Machining Shop No.1
of the giant works named IMGB
As a specialized manufacturing facility, the shop covered the machining of Rolls, Heavy Drilling Pipes
and Complete Assembled Heavy Engineering Parts, mainly for the steel industry .
In 1991 the MACHINING SHOP No. 1 became an independent entity under “UPETROLAM S.A.” brand name,handling directly its entire marketing and manufacturing activity.
In 1998, UZINEXPORT acquired most of the company shares and became its major stake owner.
Nowadays, UPETROLAM is a private company belonging to UZIN GROUP family.
Range of Products
According to the main products the company traditionally manufactures, the following areas are comprehensively covered:
- Manufacture of metallurgical complete equipment or subassemblies belonging to a wide variety of process plants like: slitting lines, continuous casters, pipe expanders, EOT cranes, ladle furnaces, cut-to-length lines, reelers, galvanizing lines, trimmers, rolling mills, aso.
- Manufacture of power plants equipment and components like generator and turbine shafts and casings.
- Manufacture of rolling mills rolls both for roughing mills, hot and cold strip rolling mills, back-up rolls, aso.
- Manufacture of heavy drilling pipes including drill collars, square and hexagonal kellys, slick and spiral drill collars, all as per the API Norms.
All products, either manufactured based on the workshop drawings provided by the client or developed in cooperation with the Romanian designers, are in most of the cases fully pre-assembled and tested at the company's own premises, thus ensuring a perfect matching of the parts for further final erection and saving a lot of time and potential trouble on site projects final sites.
Current Business Strategy
The company's management current strategy has to take into account the dramatic changes the last decade induced in the economic environment of the country. So, important clients as SIDEX Galati, has diminished by almost 90% their orders for rolls, thus imposing the related production facilities to be re-shaped for other products, like process equipment and steel structures fabrication which has now become the main field of production.
Further, the existing main equipment has to go through a very massive and well organized rehabilitation and modernization process in order to be able to respond better and more efficiently to the market exigencies.
The overall modernization also includes scraping and selling as second hand equipment of some of the plants obsolete machine tools and their replacement with new or modernized ones.
Another direction is represented by an important change in the production flow which got new workshops like: steel structure fabrication, general assemblies, shot-blasting, aso.
As a result of all the above the company has succeeded to maintain its role as reliable equipment manufacturer for its traditional clients and also add important projects for new clients.
New areas like: mechanical pipe expanders, EOT cranes, rubber tyres equipment are only some of the latest developments.
The company has enjoyed a key role on the Romanian and international market for its products for an important period of time.
If we specifically refer to:
- All the major Romanian steel plants: such as Sidex/Galati, Siderurgica/Hunedoara, Siderca/Calarasi, CS Retita or ISCT/Campia Turzii use to have Upetrolam as their main supplier for rolls and the same goes on even now.
- The process equipment has clients in Romania like: Silcotub/Zalau for pipe mills, Michelin/Zalau for rubber tyre equipment, CUG Cluj for rolling mills coupling bars, etc
- Petrom and Petromar are also the most important domestic clients for the drilling pipes.
In the international market, the most recent list of clients includes:
SMS MEER/Germany for steel plant equipment, Danieli/Italy for EOT cranes and travelling beds, Simac/Italy for conveyors, MAN and Jindal/India for pipe mechanical pipe expanders, Pamminger/Austria for steel plant equipment and steel structure fabrication, ONGC/OIL India, Reco/Austria and Thyssen/France for drilling pipes.
Of course, the company is striving for a better place on the market to match with its former references and the quality level of their products and it is determined to struggle for improving both its facilities and orders portfolio.
104 Berceni Str. 75632 Bucharest 4; ROMANIA
Tel: 40-21-319.44.32
Fax: 40-21-319.44.21
e-mail: office@upetrolam.ro